Asheville Painting Company & Safety
This is why you can trust that Asheville Painting Company puts safety first at all times.
Asheville Painting Company is one of the largest painting companies in the area. That means statistically speaking we are more likely to have a higher number of injuries than a smaller company. The most common workplace injuries are falls, electrocution, being struck by an object and being caught in-between. OSHA Calls this the “Fatal Four” in construction.
1. We make sure all of our painters know how to inspect and set up a ladder properly.
2. We make sure if they are going to be working off a roof that they have a tie off to prevent falls.
3. We make sure we have someone footing the ladder when required due to heights.
1. Inspect the wiring, and tool before using it.
2. Make sure that the tools are dry before using them. Don’t lay them down in wet grass or puddles.
3. To unplug all electrical tools when they are not in use.
Falling and Flying Objects:
1. Use a hardhat to protect your head in the event something falls while you are under it.
2. Secure your tools and materials when you are working above an average height of a person.
3. If there is the potential for others below to be struck- put up a perimeter with a sign warning others to stay out of the area and to watch for falling items.
Caught in or between objects.
1. Tie up long hair, baggy clothing, shoe laces or any other item that could get caught in a tool.
2. Make sure that any machinery or tools you are using are secured and made safe.
3. Lastly, inspect all working areas and be aware of what is going on around you at all times.
When Asheville Painting Company hires a new employee one of the first things we ask them to do is to read through and acknowledge our general health and safety plan. This is a comprehensive booklet of information of our companies safety requirements as well as the guidelines to follow that are required by law. We also have our employees take part in classes put on by our local Sherwin-Williams store, and put out a weekly newsletter that includes a safety tip of the week.
Thank you for reading our blog about Safety- the most important part of any job.